Overdue Reviews: Slither
Open up your Mr. Pibb Friends and Neighbors, it is time for another overdue review!
This time we will be talking about that 2006 James Gunn sci-fi thriller Slither. Slither takes us to the wonderful world of South Carolina, where a meteor has landed releasing the most disgusting worm creatures since Night of the Creeps! When our good friend Grant Grant (what a pity having the same first and last name - let's call him Merle for short eh?) is having an extramarital affair in the woods, he gets infected by the worm creature. This of course means that Merle will do what we all expect of him - slowly take over the world!
Well, luckily for us humans - Bill Pardy, the local sheriff (played by the legendary Nathan Fillion) is nearby ready to help out. Merle's wife, Starla (played by Elizabeth Banks) is attacked by her now mutating husband after she discovers that he has an obsession for killing local pets and wildlife. Here come the police and manage to chase away Merle. Starla is thankful to Bill (who incidentally has held a torch for her for many years) but still worried about Merle.
After a few days, the hunt for the mutant squid man merle is in full swing. The Mayor, having some of the best lines in the movie, joins the hunt for what he does not believe exists. Well, good thing they were packing heat because when the trail of dead carcases leads them to an old barn they find the most disgusting sight they have ever beheld. Merle has made a brood mother out of his affair mate and she is about to explode. Well after a pithy dialogue with our heroes she releases all of these worms within her. That is when things go crazy.
The worms take over the body by the mouth. I mean to quote the Mayor, 'what kind of thing actually wants you to eat it?' Well these worms, like Ceti Eels, are all part of a hive mind that allows Merle to control see and speak through them. Bill is having none of this and after a bit of soul searching he decides he has to help put an end to this.
Enter Kylie. She is a normal teenage girl who is at home taking a bath when the worms come after her. She is almost taken by one when she grabs it and kills it with her hair curler. Now, she has knowledge of how these things work. These alien slugs that travel from world to world killing all they can. It is part of their biology. In one of the most truly scary scenes, Kylie runs from her possessed family and gets in the car only to be assaulted for "family time." The little sisters are just absolutely creepy. Just when it looks like it is all over for Kylie, along comes Bill to save her.
With half of the police force dead or under the control of the worms, it is up to Bill and Kylie to save the day. Along the way they pick up Starla and the Mayor. This is a good break in which the Mayor wants a good cola beverage. Unfortunately this does not work out for him as there are no Mr. Pibb drinks in the sherriff's car. Here we have yet another memorable rant for you as the Mayor goes balistic...
"Where is the Mr. Pibb? I told your secretary to pack Mr. Pibb. It's the only Coke I like. Goddamn Brenda exploding like a water balloon, worms driving my friends around like they're goddamn skin-cars, people are spitting acid at me, turning you into cottage cheese, and now there's no fucking goddamn Mr. Pibb?"
Of course this is a short lived break as trouble ensues when the townsfolk, having all been zombified by the worms, attack the car and kidnap Starla. Eventually however Bill comes across Starla and Merle at the old homestead. Merle has become a huge blob of bodies, tentacles and flesh. In the epic battle, Bill manages to save Starla and get out alive. He did have the help of Kylie over the course of the events, but when he tells the story later it is the other way around.
You really should check this one out. I mean, I like it so you probably will too. Let's run the list.
Nathan Fillion's witty dialogue? Check
Michael Rooker being bad ass? Check
Elizabeth Banks? Check
The most awesome mayor lines? Check
Alien slug things that take over bodies turning them into zombie-like beings and do gruesome stuff to rednecks? Check
Jenna Fischer as the receptionist? Check
So yeah you should watch it.
As always,
Be Excellent to Each Other