The Solitary Sanity Terror
Friday, November 2, 2012 at 8:47AM
Mr. Bat

Hello Friends and Neighbors.  Today I offer you a pondering into the thoughts of the paranoid.  This is a topic that has no small amount of simultanious enjoyment and trepidation.  Some will tell you that life is all about the relationships you maintain.  This much I can tell you is true, however, the strongest relationship you will ever have is with your own mind.  

The human mind, for most of us, is a complex thing.  Entire conversations can be held between you and your own mind.  Debates over what to wear or eat and of course the mulling over of decisions about the future can take up plenty of time. 

The scary part, at least to me - although I would wager many of you to feel the same, is that sometimes you can get into an argument with your own mind.  This is the stuff that rejects reason.  How one can have an argument with ones self is a horrific prospect.  That is why one of the most terrifying film tropes is the insane.  H.P. Lovecraft made his name exploring the concept of insanity. 

Mens sana in corpore sana is not always reliable.  Furthermore, when you are in a debate with your own mind, which side is the right and sane side?  Is there even a chance that you can be sane if a part of your own mind seems insane?  

Think about what you are doing the next time you get into an argument with yourself.  This is a personal horror that you are experiencing as your mind tries to rationalize with itself over a situation or decision. 

 Have you ever gotten mad at yourself over something you were doing, while you were in the process of doing it?  From little things like beating yourself up over an extra cup cake at desert to fighting over what to write about in a report or blog... Is there any way to justify that you are compos mentis

Now take it to the next step.  If every time you are making a decision you have multiple thoughts permeating your decisions, so does everyone you are dealing with. 

Take the classic husband and wife argument scenario.  You and your spouse are in an argument and you realize that the other person is just getting madder.  You understand, rationally, that no matter what you say you will be seen as the jerk.  You are arguing in your own mind to simply shut up and let it go.  You know it does not matter, no matter how emotional or rational your argument may be, your mind is telling you to stop - yet you fight with yourself in your own head while simultaneously arguing with the spouse.  Now realize that in all likelihood- your spouse is doing the same thing in their mind. 

Is that sanity?  Is this the highly evolved - God given - intellect that we as humans so cherish?  Certainly your singular mind- that being your one brain in your same body- should be on the same track as your actions.  But, terrifyingly enough, it isn't.  

You look at Renfield and call him insane, but at least we all know he had outside help.  What is your excuse?   At least we have the solace in knowing that our personal insanity is a shared trait amongst our species.  We can rationalize a baseline level of insanity and judge everyone else off of our 'normal.' 

Just a thought to ponder as you go about your day.  Have fun choosing what to make for dinner.  I am sure you will come to a proper agreement with your mind. 

Be Excellent to Each Other,



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