Victory Friends and Neighbors!
Osama Bin Laden is dead. What does that mean for the world? One less super villain terrorist is out there causing problems. This does not mean that the war is over. Nor does it mean we are completely safe. It simply means that one of myriad enemies is gone. Several questions bother our heroes today.
- Will his forces return to avenge his death?
- Will we see a troop reduction in the Middle East?
- Will this prove our heroes in the armed services are doing the right thing in the war?
- Will the rest of the world backlash against the US due to the tactics used to take him out?
- Will America rest on its laurels now that the face of terrorism has been defeated?
- Will we become so apologetic that we feel bad for fighting back?
- Will we be prepared for the next threat?
- Do we have a right to be proud of this event?
- Does his death matter in the grand scheme of things?
- Do paranoid conspiracy theorists have anything of value to add?
I offer these questions for you, Friends and Neighbors, to discuss and debate. While I have my theories, only the Oracles know for sure what will come of this. Let us know what you think at or at our facebook page. We look forward to your thoughts.
Be Excellent to Each Other,
Article originally appeared on BreitCo - Planet Zunis Movies and more. (
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